As a homeopath, my job is to get to the root causes of your surface problems, so I can properly evaluate and treat you.

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I do this by asking the right questions - so if you have insomnia, I ask:

Do you have trouble falling asleep?

Do you wake up throughout the night?

Do you feel restless?

Does your mind start racing when you want to rest?

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Although many people are suffering from sleeplessness, the underlying reasons may be quite different than the symptom itself - so I dig deeper.

Does your sleeplessness develop into tremendous anxiety, which can even trigger panic attacks?

I will continue to inquire about your worries and fears, which can eventually lead me to the cause of your anxiety.

Once we have thoroughly explored these issues, I will be able to select an individualized, calibrated remedy that will help you cope with your sleeplessness.

Many people are suffering from skin issues. The experiences of itching and scratching, or bleeding after scratching, and even possible infections, make the life of a patient unbearable.

If the skin issue is chronic — consistently arising, sometimes better and sometimes worse, but never really healed — then it is important to look for a profound, deep healing and very individualized homeopathic remedy.

Whether the skin issue is eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis, as a homeopath I evaluate the skin’s appearance, observe what treatments make it improve or decline, and examine the specifics a patient’s skin eruptions, bumps or cracks, in order to best understand how she experiences it all. 

After exploring these skin symptoms, I will ask about other life circumstances that might also be bothering the patient. In many skin patients, stressful situations can actually aggravate the skin — and in homeopathy it is important to understand how emotional stress is individually experienced, since it can cause harmful physical effects.

Because of this, I evaluate a patient’s fears, dreams, anxieties, and even traumatic events from their life — because exploring them can help me uncover the best remedy for her — and this is often a “deep healing constitutional remedy.”  Other areas that I evaluate are a patient’s character, her life experiences, and of course it’s important to gauge her physical symptoms as well. Collectively, it all helps me in selecting a remedy that can heal the patient’s skin in the most effective way possible. In other words, the goal is healing — not just ameliorating.

My work as a homeopath also includes helping people with acute skin problems like bee stings, stings of a jelly fish, punctured wounds, erysipelas, boils or any other acute skin reaction. 

Acute homeopathic remedies are what can help. For example, a jelly fish sting can cause redness, itchiness, then burning sensations and swelling and, Apis, the remedy made from the honey bee, will help. Also, cuts and wounds of skin heal fast without scarring by taking Calendula Officinalis, a Common Marigold from the group of the Sunflower or Daisy family.

Homeopathy is Versatile

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All different kind of diseases, especially the chronic ones like: skin problems, asthmatic coughs, and allergies, as well as children with behavioral issues like ADD or ADHD, aggressiveness or horrible nightmares that prevent children from sleeping alone, female diseases, chronic pain, recurrent infections, chronic bronchitis and many more, are not only treatable through homeopathy - these symptoms, in fact, vastly improve under its treatment, and many times there is profound healing.